Sunday, 16 December 2007

Otavalo Market

On Saturday morning we were up early as we had a bus to catch to Otavalo Market which has a reputation as the biggest and best in South America. You know me...if there’s an opportunity to do some shopping I’m there (however early I have to get out of bed!). Actually getting up was extremely easy as the jet lag ensured that we were both wide awake and ready to go by about 5am! We managed to snooze for a little longer and after a very temperamental shower we indulged in our Magic Bean complimentary breakfast. A couple of pancakes and some yoghurt and granola later we headed to the bus station.

It turns out that bus travel here is fairly cheap and really easy to negotiate. You pay about a dollar for each hour of the journey. Having said that, the driving leaves a little to be desired. Again Simon’s hand bore the scars of my intense gripping as we hurtled at break neck speed up and down winding mountain roads (Dad you would have loved it!!!). Two and a half hours later we arrived at Otavalo and made our way to the ‘Plaza de Ponchos’ which is home to hundreds upon hundreds of brightly coloured stalls selling (yes you guessed it...) ponchos, along with hats, clothes, embroidered goods, arts, crafts, hammocks, jewellery, toys, and more interestingly fresh foods and spices. It was indeed Gringo heaven as the hoards of American exchange students bartered for their must have ethnic jewellery and the items of clothing which they are sure never to wear again! We managed to contain ourselves and bought very little (I know that may seem hard to believe) as we were very aware that this was only day 2 of our trip. We bought a couple of presents (Becky G your christmas present will be winging it’s way to you from Ecuador - not sure how long it will take though) and a little painting. The bus journey back was almost as torturous but Simon kept his hands well away from me and noone suffered any injury.

The altitude is affecting our appetites somewhat and on Friday night we didn’t eat dinner. On Saturday we couldn’t eat lunch but by late afternoon they had restored themselves somewhat and we ate at a Steak House just down the road from our hostel. Without wanting to sound dramatic or caught up in the moment, it was probably the best steak I’ve ever eaten...cooked to perfection and delicious. We treated ourselves to dessert and coffee back at our hostel where a band were playing. Either old age or jet lag (I’m hoping the latter!) forced us to retire very early again and we were both tucked up in bed by 8.30pm!

As I write this it is before 6am on Sunday morning and I’ve been awake since about 3 (dozing on and off since!). We leave for Baños this morning which is a three and a half hour bus journey. We attempted last night to book our hotel in Spanish...not sure if it’s reserved or not. I guess we’ll find out how successful we were when we arrive.

Fingers crossed.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

So glad you made it safe and sound after what sounds like a crazy journey.
Allready missing you but loving this blog, can see me becoming a Giles blog addict over the next few months.
Keep having fun.
Love Becks with sloppy kisses from Ella too xxx